

Joint Force Quarterly №86
[ Скачать с сервера (4.01 Mb) ]30.06.2017, 15:44

Joint Force Quarterly

Год / месяц: 2017/7-9
Номер: 86
Страниц: 128
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 4 MB

Joint Force Quarterly - Ежеквартальный Журнал Министерства обороны США

2 From the Chairman
4 Executive Summary
6 An Interview with Kurt W. Tidd
11 U.S. Southern Command: Evolving to Meet 21st-Century Challenges
By Kurt W. Tidd and Tyler W. Morton
20 Strategic Competition:
Beyond Peace and War
By Daniel Burkhart and Alison Woody
28 Black Is the New Red: Containing Jihad
By Scott Englund
35 Respecting Strategic Agency: On the Categorization of War in Strategy
By Lukas Milevski
JPME Today
41 Professional Military Education and Broadening Assignments: A Model for the Future
By Douglas Orsi
49 Civil-Military Relations in Transitions: Behavior of Senior Military Officers
By Charles D. Allen
60 A Strategic Leader’s Guide to Transforming Culture in Large Organizations
By Mark Schmidt and Ryan Slaughter
66 Where Rumsfeld Got It Right: Making a Case for In-Progress Reviews
By Anthony Dunkin
73 Military Retirement Reform: A Case Study in Successful Public Sector Change
By Laura J. Junor, Samantha Clark, and Mark Ramsay
81 Trauma Care in Support of Global Military Operations
By Kyle N. Remick and Eric A. Elster
86 Autonomous Weapons Systems Safety
By Brian K. Hall
94 The Trouble with Mission Command: Flexive Command and the Future of Command and Control
By Andrew Hill and Heath Niemi
101 Learning to Fish in Murky Waters: The Missing Link in Capacity-Building
By Stephen E. Webber and Donald E. Vandergriff
109 Building a Stay-Behind Resistance Organization: The Case of Cold War Switzerland Against the Soviet Union
By Kevin D. Stringer
Book Reviews
115 Hubris
Reviewed by Ryan A. Sanford
116 The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta Reviewed by Williamson Murray
118 The Grand Strategy That
Won the Cold War
Reviewed by John Culclasure
Joint Doctrine
120 Adaptive Doctrine: Infusing the Changing Character of Warfare into Doctrine
By Gregory E. Browder and Marcus J. Lewis
122 Joint Publication 3-0, Joint Operations
By Rick Rowlett
124 Joint Doctrine Update

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Категория: Joint Force Quarterly (JFQ) | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: JFQ, 2017, Joint Force Quarterly
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