

Joint Force Quarterly №84 (2017)
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Joint Force Quarterly

Год / месяц: 2017/1-3
Номер: 84
Страниц: 144
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 4 MB

Joint Force Quarterly - Ежеквартальный Журнал Министерства обороны США

2 From the Chairman
4 Executive Summary
6 An Interview with Robert O. Work
12 Trust: The Sine Qua Non of Effective Joint Operations
By Stanley A. Springer, John A. Schommer, and Sean S. Jones
18 Searching for Digital Hilltops: A Doctrinal Approach to Identifying Key Terrain in Cyberspace
By Scott Douglas Applegate, Christopher L. Carpenter, and David C. West
24 Expanding Zeus’s Shield: A New Approach for Theater Ballistic Missile Defense in the Asia-Pacific Region
By Kevin Ayers
Essay Competitions
32 Winners of the 2016 Essay Competitions
34 The Viability of Moral Dissent
by the Military (or, Chapter 6 of the U.S. Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Conclusions Regarding the Second Internment of American Citizens)
By Lee M. Turcotte
43 Civil Order and Governance as Military Responsibilities
By David A. Mueller
51 The Palestinian Authority Security Force: Future Prospects
By Jeffrey Dean McCoy
JPME Today
54 The National War College: Celebrating 70 Years of Developing Strategic Practitioners
By Darren Hartford and David A. Tretler
59 The National War College: Marking 70 Years of Strategic Education
By Janet Breslin-Smith
65 Meaningful Metrics for Professional Military Education
By Joan Johnson-Freese and Kevin P. Kelley
72 The Urgent Necessity to Reverse Service AirLand Roles
By Price T. Bingham
81 Center of Gravity Analysis “Down Under”: The Australian Defence Force’s New Approach
By Aaron P. Jackson
86 Hybrid Threat COG Analysis: Taking a Fresh Look at ISIL
By Michael D. Reilly
93 Toward a Future National Strategy: A Review Essay
By Joseph J. Collins
99 Breaking Through with Your Breakthrough: How Science-Based Communication Can Accelerate Innovation and Technological Advantage
By Dave Nystrom and Joseph Wojtecki, Jr., with Mat Winter
107 The Imperative for a Health Systems Approach to Global Health Engagement
By Tracey Koehlmoos, Linda Kimsey, David Bishai, and David Lane
113 The Case for a Joint Evaluation
By Wilson T. VornDick
120 Leadership and Operational Art in World War II: The Case for General Lesley J. McNair
By Christopher J. Lamb
Book Reviews
127 Red Team
Reviewed by Matthew Cancian
128 Forgotten
Reviewed by Bryon Greenwald
130 Regional Missile Defense from a Global Perspective Reviewed by William A. Taylor
Joint Doctrine
131 Mentoring: Civilian Contributions to the Joint Force
By Kevin D. Scott
134 Joint Concept for Access and Maneuver in the Global Commons: A New Joint Operational Concept
By Michael E. Hutchens, William
D. Dries, Jason C. Perdew, Vincent
D. Bryant, and Kerry E. Moores
140 Joint Doctrine Update

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