

Joint Force Quarterly №76
[ Скачать с сервера (3.44 Mb) ]01.04.2015, 21:54

Joint Force Quarterly

Vol. 76, 1st Quarter 2015

Стр - 116

2 Letter
4 From the Chairman
6 Where Do We Find Such
Men and Women?
8 Executive Summary
10 Navy Perspective on Joint Force Interdependence
By Jonathan Greenert
15 Bringing Space Crisis Stability Down to Earth
By James P. Finch
Jpme Today
21 Debunking Technical
Competency as the Sole
Source of Innovation
By Burton H. Catledge
30 Should Military Officers
Study Policy Analysis?
By Nikolas K. Gvosdev
35 Assessing Causality in a
Complex Security Environment
By Andrew L. Stigler
40 Next Steps for Transforming
Education at National
Defense University
By Christopher J. Lamb
and Brittany Porro
48 A Strong Fighting Force Is
a Diverse Fighting Force
By Larry O. Spencer
52 Revisioning Strategic
Communication Through
Rhetoric and Discourse Analysis
By William M. Marcellino
58 A Theater-Level
Perspective on Cyber
By J. Marcus Hicks
64 Refocusing the U.S. Strategic
Security Perspective
By Linnea Y. Duvall and
Evan O. Renfro
71 Nonlethal Weapons: A
Technological Gap or
Misdefined Requirements?
By Ofer Fridman
78 Challenges to Improving
Combat Casualty Survivability
on the Battlefield
By Robert L. Mabry
85 Mosquitoes: A Viable 21st-
Century Soft Power Tool
By Mary Raum and
Kathleen J. McDonald
93 Operation Cottage: A
Cautionary Tale of Assumption and Perceptual Bias
By Del C. Kostka
Book Reviews
100 The Roar of the Lion
Reviewed by Richard A. McConnell
101 A Scrap of Paper
Reviewed by Nicholas Rostow
102 Brothers Armed: Military
Aspects of the Crisis in Ukraine
Reviewed by Michael Kofman
Joint Doctrine
104 Seeing 2020: America’s
New Vision for Integrated
Air and Missile Defense
By Geoffrey F. Weiss
112 Joint Doctrine Update

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