

Joint Force Quarterly №88 2018
12.01.2018, 17:39

Joint Force Quarterly

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Год / месяц: 2018/1-3
Номер: 88
Страниц: 136
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 11 MB

Joint Force Quarterly - Ежеквартальный Журнал Министерства обороны США

2 Executive Summary
4 The Future Is Plural: Multiple Futures for Tomorrow’s Joint Force
By F.G. Hoffman
14 Multidomain Battle: Time for a Campaign of Joint Experimentation
By Kevin M. Woods and Thomas C. Greenwood
22 The Power of Partnership: Security Cooperation and Globally Integrated Logistics
By Thomas Warren Ross
28 Surfing the Chaos: Warfighting in a Contested Cyberspace Environment
By William D. Bryant
JPME Today
34 The Bureaucratization of the U.S. Military Decisionmaking Process
By Milan Vego
46 Women, Regardless: Understanding Gender Bias in U.S. Military Integration
By Elizabeth M. Trobaugh
54 Multidomain Battle: Converging Concepts Toward a Joint Solution
By David G. Perkins and
James M. Holmes
58 A 21st-Century Military Doctrine for America
By Steve F. Kime
64 The Need for an Innovative Joint Psychological Warfare Force Structure
By Richard B. Davenport
70 Geographic Component Network Analysis: A Methodology for Deliberately Targeting a Hybrid Adversary
By Chance A. Smith and Steve W. Rust
78 Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense: Simplifying an Increasingly Complex Problem
By Gabriel Almodovar, Daniel P.
Allmacher, Morgan P. Ames III, and Chad Davies
85 Achieving Secrecy and Surprise in a Ubiquitous ISR Environment
By Adam G. Lenfestey, Nathan Rowan, James E. Fagan, and Corey H. Ruckdeschel
91 Implementing Guidance for Security Cooperation: Overcoming Obstacles to U.S. Africa Command’s Efforts
By Andrus W. Chaney
102 Scipio Africanus and the Second Punic War: Joint Lessons for Center of Gravity Analysis
By Kenneth T. Klima, Peter Mazzella, and Patrick B. McLaughlin
Book Reviews
112 Unwinnable
Reviewed by Carter Malkasian
113 Elite Warriors
Reviewed by Bruce McClintock
114 Social Science Goes to War
Reviewed by Brian R. Price
Joint Doctrine
116 A COG Concept for Winning More Than Just Battles
By Jacob Barfoed
124 Department of Defense Terminology Program
By George E. Katsos
128 Born Multinational:
Capability Solutions for Joint, Multinational, and Coalition Operations
By Charles W. Robinson
132 Joint Doctrine Update

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