

Joint Force Quarterly №91 2018
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Joint Force Quarterly

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Год / месяц: 2018/10-12
Номер: 91
Страниц: 116
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 3 MB

Joint Force Quarterly - Ежеквартальный Журнал Министерства обороны США

2 Executive Summary
4 Complementary Engagement: An American-Led Response to Rising Regional Rivals
By Stephan J. Pikner
14 Beyond the Third Offset: Matching Plans for Innovation to a Theory of Victory
By James Hasik
Essay Competitions
22 Winners of the 2018 Essay Competitions
24 Coercive Gradualism Through
Gray Zone Statecraft in the South China Seas: China’s Strategy and Potential U.S. Options
By Kapil Bhatia
34 Political Warfare with Other Means: 2017 Cyber Attacks on Qatar
By Edwin Y. Chua
37 Peacekeepers in the Donbas
By Michael P. Wagner
40 Additive Manufacturing: Shaping the Sustainment Battlespace
By Michael Kidd, Angela Quinn, and Andres Munera
47 The U.S. Air Force and Army in Korea: How Army Decisions Limited Airpower Effectiveness
By Price T. Bingham
60 Beyond the Gray Zone: Special Operations in Multidomain Battle
By James E. Hayes III
67 A Smarter Approach to Cyber Attack Authorities
By Michael P. Carvelli
74 Military Transformation: Applying the Kotter Eight-Step Methodology for Change in the U.S. Armed Services
By Hassan M. Kamara
82 Air Force Strategic Bombing and Its Counterpoints from World War I to Vietnam
By Michael M. Trimble
Book Reviews
90 On Grand Strategy
Reviewed by Peter Dombrowski
91 Directorate S
Reviewed by Thomas F. Lynch III
93 Allies That Count
Reviewed by Kathleen J. McInnis
95 Staying the Course
Reviewed by Erik B. Villard
Joint Doctrine
97 The U.S. Government’s Approach to Civilian Security: Focus on Campaign Activities
By George E. Katsos
105 Building Joint Personnel Recovery Through Multinational Collaboration
By David Gayvert


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