

Joint Force Quarterly №99 (2020)
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Joint Force Quarterly

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Год / месяц: 2020/10-12
Номер: 99
Страниц: 152
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 5 MB

Joint Force Quarterly - Ежеквартальный Журнал Министерства обороны США

2 Executive Summary
4 Social Media Weaponization: The Biohazard of Russian Disinformation Campaigns
By Sarah Jacobs Gamberini
14 Recruiting Cyber Specialists: Why the Services Must Modernize Qualification Standards
By Jesse P. Samluk, Mark A. Boeke, and Marcus A. Neal
22 Space Operations: Lines, Zones, Options, and Dilemmas
By Jerry V. Drew
31 The Strategic Potential of Collected Exploitable Material
By Michael R. Fenzel with Leslie Slootmaker and R. Kim Cragin Essay Competitions
40 Competition Is What States Make of It: A U.S. Strategy Toward China
By Kaleb J. Redden
57 Pardon the Paradox: Making Sense of President Trump’s Interventions in Military Justice
By Jeremy McKissack
71 Artificial Intelligence: A Decisionmaking Technology
By Mark M. Zais
74 Decision Superiority Through Joint All Domain Command and Control
By Terrence J. O’Shaughnessy
81 Rightsizing Our Understanding of Religion
By Wayne A. Macrae
88 Success on Purpose: A Message for Leaders of Military Organizations
By Russell Steven Williford and Wendi Peck
95 The Importance of Joint Concepts for the Planner
By James L. Cook
101 Mobilization in the 21st Century: Asking the Right Question
By Matthew C. Gaetke
111 A Globally Integrated U.S. Coast Guard on a World Stage
By Michael N. St. Jeanos
116 Differentiating Kinetic and Cyber Weapons to Improve Integrated Combat
By Josiah Dykstra, Chris Inglis, and Thomas S. Walcott
124 Calling Forth the Military: A Brief History of the Insurrection Act
By Michael R. Rouland and Christian E. Fearer
135 More Afraid of Your Friends Than the Enemy: Coalition Dynamics in the Korean War, 1950–1951
By Fideleon O. Damian
Book Reviews
144 Shadows on the Wall
Reviewed by John Mark Mattox
145 Divided Armies
Reviewed by Larry D. Miller
146 Command
Reviewed by Allan R. Millett

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