

Surface Warfare Magazine 2017 Vol. 55
18.08.2017, 19:21

Surface Warfare Magazine 

Издательство: Department of the Navy
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 42
Язык: English
Размер: 45 MB

Surface Warfare Magazine- (Борьба с надводными целями ) - журнал надводных сил ВМС США U.S. Navy’s Surface Forces


2 • Commander's Corner
Surface Force News:
4 • US Naval Academy Graduates Class of 2017
5 • USS Chancellorsville Wins Prestigious Spokane Trophy
6 • Navy, Marine Corps Spotlight the Future of Amphibious, Autonomous Warfare
7 • USS Jackson Completes Successful Missile Test
8 • CNO, USS Coronado, USS Sterett Highlight US Navy Presence at Singapore's International Maritime Review IMDEX17
9 • SM-6 Test Displays Range and Versatility
10 • USS Lake Erie, US Service Members Render Assistance in Sri Lanka After Devastating Floods
11 • USS Gabrielle Giffords Commissioned in Galveston Feature Stories:
12 • A History of the Tomahawk in Combat
16 • Ready for the Call: Trump Orders Missile Attack in Retaliation for Syrian Chemical Strikes
18 • USS Ross, Porter Commanding Officers Receive Phone Calls from President Trump
Cover Stories:
20 • Righting the Ship: Progress on All Fronts Resetting the LCS Force
26 • Four Lessons From the Life of Rear Adm. Wayne E. Meyer & the Development of Aegis
30 • Makin Island ARG Returns
33 • USS Somerset shines on maiden deployment
35 • Makin Island ARG &11th MEU's Contributions to US 7th Fleet
36 • Deputy Dispatches: RC2C: Your RC Sailors are Seagoing Sailors
38 • Early Command Opportunity
39 • Leadership Literature: Motivation & Organization
40 • Voices From the Fleet: What Destroyers and Cruisers Add to a Carrier Strike Group

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Категория: Surface Warfare Magazine | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: Surface Warfare, SW
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